What We Do
Every day, more than 1,500 people are diagnosed with cancer.
The Kress Works Institute is changing the landscape of cancer research.
Most of our lives have been shaded, in some degree or another, by the devastation of that “C” word. By 2030 the world can expect to see more than 21.7 million new cases each year*, and that’s an optimistic estimate. Treatments have been slow to evolve due to the baffling complexity of the disease, which has proven robust and resistant to virtually all forms of therapeutic treatments. The realities of the disease, in all it’s forms, are terrifying, but the realities of treatment are even more staggering. The most effective treatments we have today leave patients with a lifetime of side effects and a brutal, uncertain recovery.
The Kress Works Institute was founded with the mission to beat cancer without subjecting the patient to a crippling, life threatening treatment. Our scientists seek to understand the disease at a systems level and build a patient-centric road to a cure.
A Disease With No Borders
Cancer represents a resilient, unpredictable opponent for scientists. It is a constellation of diverse and evolving disorders which manifest as the uncontrolled proliferation of cells. People from all over the world, every race, location, economic status are affected with indiscriminate severity.
Treatments for all forms of cancer, are severe. Most leave patients feeling spent, anonymous, and totally without control. It doesn’t have to be like that. A strong, stable mindset helps people keep hope alive, and fight harder to overcome fears and obstacles.
The Kress Works Institute believes that all people deserve that strong and stable mindset, and a patient-centric approach can offer that.
A Systematic Approach
Our scientists are applying a Systems Engineering mentality to the quantitative analysis of cellular systems and the physical, chemical, and biological processes affected by cancer. We are developing simulations and experimental verification strategies to understand the effects of the disease as it develops in the organ and body systems.
At the very heart of our research, we are working to understand how the body’s atomic and molecular processes can be systematically manipulated to prevent and cure cancer.
Ewing Sarcoma
In 2011 Dr. James Kress founded the Kress Works Institute, after losing his sister to Ewing Sarcoma. Since then we have designed a methodology for a whole body, treatment approach which will allow us to create customized treatment plans that offers the most efficient, low impact solution for each individual patient.
Sarcomas comprise nearly 21% of children’s cancers making them rare, and thus are designated as Orphan Diseases which are not well funded by major pharmaceutical, charity and cancer organizations. The median patient age is 15 years old and there are approximately 200 new cases diagnosed in children and adolescents in the US per year and 20 in adults.
The systematic treatment approach that we’re working on is applicable to all forms of cancer as they manifest in the human body. Not just Ewing Sarcoma.
What We’re Not
Non profits and cancer research firm come in all shapes and sizes. The Kress Works Institute is not a donation collections machine. It is not a fund which allocates resources to unnamed labs. We are a lab, working each and every day with real cases of cancer, real lives impacted by disease, and real models of the evolution of cancer in the body.
We do not devote large sums of our donations to awareness building efforts, executive salaries, or political influences. We rely on the inexhaustible efforts of other organizations around the world for these projects. Our lab works to find a cure through the application of the scientific method and systems analysis.
Our supporters are the life and breath of our work. Every step we take towards a cure comes on the heels of your generosity.